Measham Outfitting – 19th. January – Installing the Upper Internal Cladding and the Bulkheads
The fitting out of the new hire boat Measham is now progressing so fast that it is difficult to keep up with actually taking the photographs to cover the continuous process that is a narrowboat “fit-out”.
Below are images of the fitting of the upper side wall cladding, which is a more intricate process because of the need to accurately accommodate the windows and portholes.
In the main I will leave the images to tell the story.
The pale green area is where the toilet shower room will be.
The increased speed of the fitting out process is because the “boss” Rob Bryan of is also working on the fitting out for a while.
Here Rob is indicating some positional detail, and “Big Col'” is just about to say, “That’ll never work”, an often heard response to “management”.
But it wil be right before the porthole surround is fitted.
“Rob Bryan Boat Services” (also based at Canal Wharf Stoke Golding) is responsible for the internal structural fitting out of the narrow boat, with the painting, wiring, plumbing, and engine and control systems being carried out by Ashby Boat Company staff.
The central heating boiler will be fitted by the supplying company.
Do not get confused there is a porthole behind the wood effect cladding immediately to the left of the image.
It will be revealed further down the page.
It will be revealed further down the page.
An image showing how one panel of the cladding is securely fixed to the next panel, with the use of suitable cut piece of “off-cut”.
The bulkheads, room dividers, are now being fitted and photographing the fitting out process becomes increasingly difficult, i.e. it is hard to obtain “complete” pictures, even with a wide angle lens.
Looking from the rear of the boat.
Note that the bulkhead ply (20mm.) is dual faced, wood effect on one side plain pale green on the other.
The green side is the interior of the toilet and shower-room.
The missing porthole now fully finished.
This area will be the aft (rear) bedroom.
Both the bedrooms on Measham will be able to be configured as a fixed double or two fixed singles.
Close up of the finished porthole.
An image showing the progress of fitting the upper side cladding in the bathroom.
One porthole finished, the second yet to be completed.