Measham Outfitting – 8th November – Craning in the shell to the Ashby Canal at Shackerstone
The “shell” that will become the boat Measham, arrives.
Information on the fabrication of a steel narrowboat shell can be found on the website of Reeves Boatbuilders of Napton, the company that provided the “bare” hull of Carlton.
The trailer is reversed to the edge of the slipway that leads into the canal.
The trailer is reversed to the edge of the slipway that leads into the canal.
Too good an opportunity to not take a picture of the propeller, the rudder, the weed hatch (directly above the propeller) and the sacrificial anodes.
You do not often get such a good view of these major items of a narrowboat.
The crane is prepared and ready for the “slings” to put under the shell.
The slings being positioned beneath the shell.
A small amount of lift being applied to test that the slings are in the correct position and that the shell is balanced ready for the actual lifting and lowering procedure.
The shell being lifted off the trailer and being moved to be above the slipway into the canal.
The shell being pivoted around, by ropes attached at either end of the boat, so that it is in the correct position above the slipway ready for lowering into the water.
Safely in the water, slings being removed, and the boat being pulled along the canal prior to being towed back to the boatyard.